Career Planning Tools & Lessons

Resources for Educators

Whether you are looking to help your students begin their career exploration journey for the first time, or are looking to help them refine their skill sets in preparation for that not-too-distant job search, this page will provide you with many tools you can use to assist them. Below, you will find downloadable documents, links to lesson plans and videos as well as other resources for career planning and development.

Image of the State of MichiganIn December 2018, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has provided a Career Development Model (MI CDM) designed to provide all K-12 students in the Michigan educational system with the necessary knowledge and skills for success in a career of their choice and lifelong learning.  This guidance is designed to provide the targets for implementing the MI CDM.  The MDE recommends districts utilize their school improvement team to implement this model.   Download a copy of the Michigan Career Development Model here. 

Learn about yourself, explore your options, plan your next steps, assess your fit


When looking to assess and develop the career readiness of your students, one of the first places to begin is by reviewing the LEAP into Career Readiness handout. LEAP is an acronym that stands for LEARN about yourself, EXPLORE your options, ASSESS your "fit" and PLAN your next steps.

Walk through these questions with your students, or have them go through the document independently as a self-reflection. When finished, go through this LEAP Action Items & Resources follow-up tool to begin exploring resources to help answer the questions and provide actionable steps.


Both of the LEAP dEducational Development Planocuments above call out the integral part that a well developed EDP plays in the career-planning process. Is your school using an EDP vendor? If so, which one: Career Cruising, Naviance or another? (There’s even a FREE one - Overgrad - your students can use if your school doesn’t currently support one).

Did you know your students can access the tool 24-7 with their login/password? Are you encouraging them to use it? Are you integrating it into your curriculum, or are you simply having them go into it once a year to fill it out quickly?

From high school course planning to continuing education assistance and application to career exploration, many EDP vendors offer all of it. Have YOU checked it out yourself? If not, click on the vendor links above to compare the features of each tool, or click the following link for video webinars with each of the vendors, conducted specifically for Kent ISD schools.

Image of laptop with a file cabinet drawer and colorful files coming out of the screenWe have also compiled an EDP resource folder with valuable documents to save you time and energy and to answer questions you might have. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained in this resource folder, or if you have any resources or files that you would like to share with other educators in Kent County, please contact us at


As students approach their final years of school, many are in the process of preparing for the world of work, both in the short-term and as a career. How can you best prepare them to get the job?

Whether you already have a curriculum that includes job-planning lessons but simply want more resources, or you are a beginner looking for way integrate it into your current content, click the links below for free lessons you can use:

Want MORE resources for finding and getting the job you want? Check out these resources by Express Employment Professionals.

Soft Skills and their importance to your career


An overwhelming majority of employers believe that soft skills are just as important as hard skills. Yet, thanks to several factors, attention to soft skills have significantly diminished in K12 education.

Even when they are taught, the connection between them and their importance in a student's future career (including job interviews) is often not made. Below are links to lesson plans for several of the top soft skills employers are looking for from their employees. But don't just speak about them, help students in their ability to understand, articulate and demonstrate the value these skills bring to a job.

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